Any job that involves heavy machinery or exposure to loud noises can be a major risk factor for industrial deafness. If you work in a loud environment, caring for your hearing health is paramount.
Always wear all required hearing protection equipment to protect your hearing health when working in loud environments – this will help prevent the on-set of industrial deafness.
At Sydney Hearing Clinic we are here to support you if you need a hearing assessment for suspected industrial deafness. At the request of the relevant insurance company, our audiologists will perform a thorough and comprehensive hearing assessment, and discuss all your hearing and work history details in order to build a complete picture of your hearing health.
Industrial deafness, also referred to as industrial hearing loss or occupational hearing loss, is a form of hearing loss that occurs as a result of exposure to high levels of sound within the workplace. This exposure can be prolonged and/or where no hearing protection was worn, or a sudden one-off exposure to an extremely high level of noise causing hearing trauma.
Industrial deafness may affect those working in a variety of industries, but some jobs are more risky than others due to the use of loud machinery and frequent exposure to high levels of noise.
When our ears are exposed to significant levels of sound over time, or suddenly in the case of hearing trauma, the delicate structures within the ear become damaged, preventing sound from travelling through the ear.